The SUPRAGLACIAL MELTWATER LAKE which is also called as the disappearing lake is situated at the western margin of the Greenland's icesheet.It was observed that by the year of 2006,this lake drained more than 12 billion gallons of water.After 2 years,a group of research people published that this marvellous phenomenon is possible due to the giant water-driven cracks are formed directly beneath the lake basin(natural depression in the surface of the land)and it is stertched down to the bed of the icesheet to drain the water present in the lake.
After further research the scientists by using the GPS technology identified that the water-driven cracks are formed due to the tension-related stress caused due to the movement of icesheets.
The first author of this research named Laura Stevens from (MIT-WHOI)joint program said "The images would show the lake there one day and gone the next day","So we've known for the last 10-15 years the water could disappear quickly"
Even after many reasearches the reason for formation of water-driven cracks is not yet identified
The author Stevens said that"It's half of the equation how the Greenland icesheet contributes to the rise in sea level,with the other half being the years when the icesheet melts quicker than the snow is deposited".And also said that they had found that before they get the main expression of the lake drainage ,there is a period of time of about six to twelve hours where uplift and slip increases."That motion is enough to take the surface of the ice sheet and put portions of it in high tensions that allows cracks to start forming".
The research paper was published in the journal nature on June 4,2015.
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